1. What About Accreditation?

TEL-A follows best practice that meets all accreditation standards and benchmarks. 

2. Who does the Marketing?

The partner university will do all the marketing.

3. What are the total costs for the institution?

There are no costs charged to the Institution.

4. Will the current student population be cannibalized?

Online student tuition fees will be standardized and in the best cases, current lecturers will deliver online. Experience has shown that the fear of  student populations migrating is negligible, being far outweighed by new market recruitment.

5. What if the program fails?  What are the risks and costs of failure to the institution?

There are no costs or risks in the event that students do not sign up to the program. The institution is alone responsible for the marketing success of the program.

6. What is the Unique Selling Proposition that TEL-A offers?

The university will be able to draw from a larger market share of students who in turn will be able to collaborate with a diverse network of senior-level executives and gain industry insights and tools that will quickly impact your business. The Online MBA, EBBA, BBA or Certificate Programs will enable participation in discussions that help everyone to add immediate value to their organization.

7. How does TEL-A meet its costs?

A portion of student tuition payments equivalent to campus tuition is redirected to TEL-A  for the cost of courses taken.

8. How does my university and how do my students benefit directly?

The university will be able to immediately offer Online MBA, EBBA, BBA or Certificate Programs  courses at no cost or diversion. The university will be able to eventually work towards integration and take-over of the program independently. New students from a different market will be able to immediately take courses and learn from thought leaders and leading researchers who have an expertise and passion for innovation. TEL-A draws faculty members from around the world who have in-depth experience that cuts across all industries and functions.

9. What are the next steps to initiate the collaboration?

Contact us: info@tel-a.org





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